Goodbye SEUG, hello WECUG

The beautiful city of Greenville, SC did not disappoint! Warm weather, bright sunshine, and a great time at the SEUG meeting, talking to a number of QAD customers about what they’ve been doing and are looking to do in the future. We got some good and useful information about what QAD has already done with the Channel Islands releases and insight into some of the things they’re considering in the future. Lots of interesting possibilities! And best of all, we had a chance to meet up with several of our customers face to face. It’s always fun to hear what you’re up to.

Next we’re heading out to the West Coast User Group meeting at QAD’s offices near Santa Barbara. We’re looking forward to hearing about some of the newest features QAD is planning as well as hearing more than a few customer case studies. Knowing what QAD can do is one thing; hearing from someone about what they did with it is quite another!

If you’re going to be at WeCUG join us on the sunny slopes of Ortega Hill to catch up!