The fall Midwest User Group was a success!

Wow! Another Midwest User Group meeting is in the books! Three jam-packed days in downtown Cleveland provided a great opportunity to learn more about QAD’s latest Channel Islands version (coming to general availability this month!) as well things like YAB (QAD’s new-since-2016EE deployment and everything tool), and ProTop (a free open-source database management tool).

Best of all, we got a chance to meet up with many of you! Almost 250 people descended on Cleveland, a good portion of whom are Sungate Solutions customers, partners, and friends. It’s always great to touch base, to see what’s happening in your lives and companies, and to find out what interesting things you’ve been doing.

If you didn’t get a chance to meet us in Cleveland, we hope to see you at the combined Southeast and EAM user group in Greenville, SC on October 8 and 9 or at the next MWUG in Dearborn in March of next year.